School Meals
The Oaks Diner
We at Longwood Primary School are very proud of our kitchen and dining facility which was officially opened in September 2018. Our highly skilled chef and her team provide in-house catering and serves the healthiest, tastiest and best value meal service possible for our children.
The menu is planned within the guidelines of the School Food Plan recommended by the DfE to ensure that your child's school meal forms part of a balanced diet.
The catering staff are part of our whole school team and they work incredibly hard alongside CMC, our Catering consultants. We have theme days, taster days, parent and grandparent days and other offers and promotions so please keep a look out on our school newsletter for news.
To ensure that your child receives a meal that they enjoy, parents can now order their child's meals through Parent Pay. This can be done for up to 100 days in advance. This not only ensures that your child receives the meal they want but also reduces waste in the school kitchen making sure we can keep our school meal prices as low as possible. Please remember that all Children in Reception and Years 1&2 are currently entitled to a universal free school meal.
If you feel that you are entitled to free school meals then we urge you to register (even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2). By registering for free school meals this will ensure that the school will also receive pupil premium funding to support our school and your child.
Your child may be entitled to free school meals if you receive:
Income Support.
Income Related Employment & Support Allowance.
Child Tax Credit.
For an instant answer on whether you are entitled to free school meals applications can now be made online at:
Staffordshire Free School Meals
For allergy or dietary information or queries, please contact our school office on 01827 213970