Longwood Primary School

Community Links

Longwood Primary School has links with the community and other schools that help widen the pupils’ experiences and enjoyment of the curriculum. Parents and carers are often invited to participate in the celebrations of their children’s achievements. Invitations are sent home in the form of a newsletter for each celebratory assembly.

Useful Links for Parents:

Free swimming sessions at Wilnecote High School.  For more information call 01827 831 333 or email mikestevenson@wilnecote-high.staffs.sch.uk

There is a Brownies group on every Tuesday 5-6.30pm from ages 7-10 years.
Contact details for the group - Ruth Jenkins 01827 50904 or email ruth.jenkins@ntlworld.com

There are also Beaver groups in the Mile Oak and Fazeley area although these are for children aged 6 - 8 years. I have emailed the Scouts organisation for details of these groups and I will post the information on once I receive it.

Weekly Wednesday sessions (6-8pm) based at Tamworth Youth Centre.
Contact Linda James 01827 475786 or email linda.james@staffordshire.gov.uk
Click here for further information on other martial arts and a free trial.

Snowdome Tamworth


Drama Groups

Dance Classes
Rowland & Sayers, The Studio, 12B George Street, Tamworth, B79 7LN. 01827 55787.
Rhythms, 74 County Drive, Fazeley Tamworth B78 3XF. 07817 069909 or email kirkrythms@aol.com

We have a strong relationship with St. Barnabas Church, our children will often walk to Church and join in with activities such as "messy easter" and "reception wedding". 

Get Directions

Get in Touch - We would love to hear from you!

Longwood Primary School
Allton Avenue, Mile Oak
Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 3NH
Main Contact: Mrs R.Price (Office)
Key Staff: R.Matthews (SENDco)
P.James (Headteacher)
P.Armitage MBE/MstJ (Chair of Governors)