Longwood Primary School

International Projects

Longwood Primary school is proud to be able to celebrate many different cultures through our globally enriched curriculum. 

French is taught as part of the curriculum to all pupils.

All pupils are involved in our international work and enjoy celebrating many festivals from around the world such as Chinese New Year, Harvest and Christmas.The wide scope of international activites continues to develop and benefit the school community.

Our Year 6 pupils are involved in producing a half termly newsletter celebrating our international focus.


FEBRUARY 2019- Chinese New Year


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Get in Touch - We would love to hear from you!

Longwood Primary School
Allton Avenue, Mile Oak
Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 3NH
Main Contact: Mrs R.Price (Office)
Key Staff: R.Matthews (SENDco)
P.James (Headteacher)
P.Armitage MBE/MstJ (Chair of Governors)